LIFE ALFIO – Alina Life Formulations in Open-Source Platform

Project objective
The overall objective is to reduce the impact of toxic chemicals on the environment and human health by reducing toxic biocides and VOCs in paint and coating formulations with a safe, sustainable and novel organoclay-based material.

All paint manufacturers are struggling with the same problem – to reduce and substitute toxic (biocides) chemicals in order to satisfy European Union regulatory requirements. ALINA scientists have developed an organoclay-based material for biocide reduction.
Every new paint and coating component results in formulation change, which is time- and resource- intensive process for paint and coating companies, creating burdens for environment-friendly, sustainable material implementation in market. To ease the reach of EU targets for paint industry and to introduce ALINA product in EU market, the project “Alina Life Formulations in Open-Source Platform” was initiated. In June 2018 Alina team and EU commission (EASME) signed grant agreement about project funding.

Expected duration: 01/07/2018- 30/06/2022
Project No: LIFE17 ENV/LV/000318
Name of the coordinating beneficiary: ALINA
Name of the associated beneficiary: University of Latvia and Riga Technical University
Name of the Financers: EU LIFE+ Proramm, and The Administration of Latvian Environment Protection Fund
Location of the project: Latvia, Europe
Project Manager: Solvita Kostjukova
Telephone No: 00 371 26742227
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Pulkveža Brieža Str. 8-1, Riga LV1004

Project has three specific targets (ST)

  • Specific Target No.1: To pilot the use of organoclay component in 16 eco-friendly, reduced VOC and biocide-free paint and coating formulations as a transferable solution for paint and coating industry. Respecting the EU targets for reduction of VOCs, all formulations will be Ecolabel compliant, reducing the use of VOCs from 50 to 10 g/L.
  • Specific Target No.2: To pilot organoclay production technology creating prototype for industrial capacity. The aim is being able to produce sufficient organoclay – at least 120 t/year – for the industrial production of paints and coatings as soon as companies start using new formulations.
  • Specific Target No.3: To promote and to make easily transferable VOCs and biocide diminishing options by developing an online platform for: 1) paint formulation publishing, 2) transparency and traceability of paint and coating components, 3) industry communication.

Project will provide a set of tools for paint and coating industry to substitute toxic chemicals. The novel approach of public online platform with published formulations and ability to trace components will increase industry’s knowledge and facilitate transparency in product value chains.

The project partners are responsible for the content of this website, it does not reflect the official opinion of European Union. European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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LIFE ALFIO - Alina Life Formulations in Open-Source Platform

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LIFE ALFIO - Alina Life Formulations in Open-Source Platform

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